Logo Kunststoffenbeurs 2023


The meeting place for the entire plastics chain in the Benelux.

Brabanthallen, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

The Kunststoffenbeurs is the central place where the Benelux plastics and rubber chain shares current knowledge, makes its efforts and innovative strength visible and meets annually. Come and meet our Sales Manager Jan De Rocker and representatives of our local agent B.L.W. Visser in hall 1, booth 299.

This year our colleague ing. Brent Sertijn, Product Manager EnergyMaster, will also give a lecture (in hall 2) about managing energy consumption and costs in the plastics industry.


Lecture: how do I get a hold on my energy consumption and costs?

With the current enviromental and energy issues and the subsequent legislation, the plastics industry needs to evolve to a more sustainable and energy efficient industry. In this lecture, BMSvision's Brent Sertijn, will introduce different approaches to energy management. Based on his practical experience he will share some insights on energy efficient measures you can take.

BM Svision Brent Sertijn

Brent SertijnProduct Manager EnergyMaster

With his background as Master in Electrical Engineering, majoring in Energy, and post-graduate in Energy Monitoring, Transition and Management, Brent has extensive knowledge in the field of energy management. Today, he also advises companies on how to interpret energy data and what actions they can take to produce energy more efficiently. His practical knowledge as an MES installer with companies in the field makes him a valuable source of insight during this lecture.