OPCconnector offers superior flexibility to connect various machine types to the BMSvision MES Systems.

With the release of the version 8.40.03, the BMSvision WeaveMaster and PlantMaster systems come with a freshly developed and built-in tool called OPCconnector, allowing an utmost easy and flexible integration of machines equipped with either Classic OPC or OPC UA interfaces.

The BMSvision MES systems have always offered a wide range of interface communication protocols for data collection from various types of textile and plastic processing machines. So far, no general standard for machine connection is available. With the focus on Industry 4.0, OPC UA is widely recognized as a potential candidate for a worldwide communication standard.

Most of the PLC manufacturers support OPC UA for communication with higher level systems while in the plastics industry, it is also the basis for the new EUROMAP 77 (Injection Molding) and EUROMAP 84 (Extrusion) standards.

The OPCconnector is a user-friendly tool allowing easy and straightforward connection to any OPC server available on the network as well as configuring the necessary nodes (read/write/...) from each server. As such, even the most heterogeneous machine park is easily integrated into the BMSvision MES systems. Typical examples include an injection molding plant with various types of molding machines and assembly lines or a textile plant with different makes of looms, preparation and finishing lines. The OPCconnector interfaces all these machines with the MES system without the need for extensive programming thus reducing the total investment as well as the cost of ownership for the MES system.

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