Fabric inspection terminal

QT (Quality Terminal) is specially designed for the registration of defects on fabric inspection frames. It features a high end 18.5” touch PC with a graphical intuitive web-based user interface offering a user friendly interaction with the inspector.

A DIN-rail mountable I/O-unit provides the interface with the frame motor controls, length counter, weighing scale, tagging device and other peripheral equipment.

A tablet with the QT software offers mobile inspection and remote monitoring of different inspection frames.

QT can either be used in combinationwith the BMSvision QualiMaster fabric inspection and cutting system or as a stand-alone terminal to assist the manual inspection process, to calculate the grade and to print piece maps and labels.

QT Linnen
  • Fabric inspection

  • Real-time advice on off-quality reasons

  • Identify and address quality issues


  • Fully configurable user interface.
  • Foreign language support and on-screen language selection.
  • Ethernet connection to QualiMaster or ERP system.
  • Interfaces for machine run/stop and speed control, printer, scale, barcode scanner, keyboard, ...
  • Length counter interface for automatic length registration.
  • Continued operation and storage in case of network or server unavailability.


  • Order and piece information including inspection instructions download from QualiMaster or ERP system.
  • Entry of defect codes including severity and width position.
  • Entry of notes and additional quality parameters (weight, width, shade, ...).
  • Real-time piece map and defect concentration graph.
  • "Grade assistant” for a real-time advise about the reason for “off-quality”.
  • Import of defect maps and in case of Cyclops also defect pictures for re-inspection/mending activities.
  • Front and back inspection, cutting and multi panel support.


QualiMaster screen 1


Cyclops 2

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QT Linnen