
Monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing energy usage in real time

Take control of your energy consumption

Experience unrivaled efficiency and control with EnergyMaster, the cutting-edge energy management solution designed to optimize your industrial processes. We understand that energy consumption plays a crucial role in the success of your business, which is why we have developed a comprehensive system that enables you to monitor, analyze, and optimize energy usage in real time.

EnergyMaster is a powerful tool that empowers your organization to take charge of its energy consumption. With our state-of-the-art features and intuitive interface, you can easily identify energy waste, track usage patterns, and implement strategies to reduce costs and environmental impact.

EnergyMaster Heatmap Textiles
  • Reduce energy costs

  • Improve sustainability

  • Real time data collection

  • Increased efficiency and quality level

  • Connects with other systems

Why do I need EnergyMaster?

Map all your energy flows

Get an overview of all your consumption posts because it's not just about electricity, but also water, steam, temperature, pressure, compressed air,...

Calculate your energy efficiency

Draw reports with your specific energy KPI's and find out your benchmark to control and improve your process.

Automatic alarming

Leaks and anomalies in energy consumption are automatically notified. The right people in the right place are automatically warned.

Combine and match

Combine with our Textiles and Plastics MES-systems and/or SedoMaster and find out which machine is better for producing a specific article or recipe.

Cost calculation

Attribute the right cost to the right department and order level. This results in perfect budgeting.

Knowledge is power

Spread the information in the organization to the right people through different channels: dashboard, smartphone, report,...

Energy Master Consumer Trend Report laptop

Installing EnergyMaster meant a huge leap forward. We now have a real-time overview of how much energy is consumed, by which machines and when.

Martine Baele - Safety & Environment Manager

Do you need extra convincing?

In light of the climate change and the worldwide efforts to reduce energy consumption and increase the energy efficiency, EnergyMaster is qualified for subventions by several governments. Contact us to check if your company is eligible to receive subventions for EnergyMaster.

Contact us for more info

GTA Belgium relies on EnergyMaster to map its energy consumptions and to cut its energy costs.

EnergyMaster in the textiles industry

Optimized energy use at Hollarts Plastic Group thanks to the insighs deliveredy by EnergyMaster.

EnergyMaster in the plastics industry
Energy analyzer and concentrator

EM/TCP energy analyzer and concentrator

Real energy saving, based on collecting and correlating energy data with the operational data starts with reliably collecting the data. Through our almost 5 decades of experience in industrial data collection, we have learned the importance of a robust, industrial data collection network. BMSvision takes the responsibility of the quality of the data through our data collection points or Data Units. We have extended this capability now also to the energy domain through our EM/TCP energymeters.


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EnergyMaster Heatmap Textiles